The airline plans to expand significantly the passenger transportation routes, to increase its fleet of narrow-body aircraft, and to offer new services to improve its competitiveness. For example, a short while ago a VIP lounge started to work in the airport, and its renovation is currently in progress. The airline’s management also gave attention to the services provided on board the aircraft in flight. Obviously, not only it was necessary to expand the expected sales of products and services in the onboard stores, but also to ensure easy payment by bank cards to provide quality services to the passengers and to compete adequately with the behemoths of the industry.
«We are currently preparing a great leap in the development», Alexander Sinelnikov emphasized.
MST Company ensured the implementation of the payment acceptance introduction in record-breaking time. Such a high rate of implementation of this service has been achieved thanks to our air industry-proven payment technology solution. JoinPAY payment service may be configured for any type of carriages including air carriages.

The payment acceptance does not require the installation of any specialized and expensive equipment designed for a specific type of aircraft and certified by the manufacturer.
In our case, the payment equipment operates off-line by receiving and accumulating payments during flight. After the arrival of an aircraft, the payments are uploaded and processed. We have also envisaged the cases if the passenger has no funds available on his bank card, for example. In this case, there will be attempts to debit funds from his bank card and, if there is no crediting on the card afterward, it will be included in the blacklist, and it will not operate on board the aircraft until the passenger pays off his debt to the airline.
Izhavia Airline has obtained access to the cloud account of the airline that has wide functionality, such as:
- Recording of all bank transactions;
- Wide range of analytical reports;
- Passenger’s personal account integrated into the general infrastructure of the company;
- Automatic definitive authorization of the unsuccessful transactions;
- And some other services.

Based on the results of the pilot project on 3 aircraft, the project is upscaled to all fleet. Our cooperation does not end here. Even now, having received quality feedback, we keep on developing the service. We have set out a range of new services and improvements.

Izhavia JSC is the only national airline of Privolzhsky Federal District. The airport system of the airline includes an extremely complex infrastructure that took decades to take shape, having air, ground, technical and auxiliary services. The aircraft maintenance facility is a business unit of Izhavia JSC, does the maintenance and repairs of the base and transit aircraft, and is qualified in accordance with the Federal Aviation Regulations.
JoinPOS — Crossplatform software for payment terminals.
JoinPAY «Aero» — Cloud account of the airline and online cash register with the function of commodity management.
Отзыв клиента

В июле 2019 года компания ООО «Аэро-Трейд» искала подрядчика для выполнения работ по внедрению системы безналичной оплаты товаров самолетах авиакомпании «AZUR air». После тщательного изучения рынка, мы решили обратиться для реализации данного проекта в компанию ООО «МСТ Компани». Основной задачей было обеспечить каждый борт авиакомпании «AZUR air» терминалом, который сможет принимать платежи не только на земле, но и во время полёта.
В течении всего времени нашего сотрудничества, специалисты ООО «МСТ Компани» продемонстрировали отличные профессиональные навыки при подготовке проекта, и разработке документации. В результате мы получили гибкое и надёжное решение, которое удовлетворяет нашим требованиям.
По итогам работы с компанией ООО «МСТ Компани» хочется отметить соблюдение принципов делового партнерства, а также четкое соблюдение сроков работ и выполнение взятых на себя обязательств. ООО «Аэро-Трейд» выражает благодарность специалистам компании за проделанную работу в рамках внедрения системы безналичной оплаты на самолетах авиакомпании «AZUR air». И рекомендует компанию ООО «МСТ Компани» как надёжного партнёра в области платёжных решений.