Software package for calculation of draft machines for KMZ JSC — Stage 3

The next stage in the development of the settlement system for the KMZ plant. This stage can be called intermediate, due to the large number of minor changes, but due to the large number of minor changes, it has become not much easier to develop than the previous stages.

The main thing is that we managed and want to tell you what we did at the end of this stage!

Technology stack used

The technology stack has not changed, except for the fact that a new library has been added — TemplateEngine.Docx:

  • C# programming language
  • MongoDB non-relational database


Let's take a look at the most interesting and important innovations that have occurred at this stage in order:

We arranged filling of the database of finished projects

Now each calculated project stores the required set of attributes, namely: TDM name, TDM type, TDM aerodynamic scheme, standard size, speed, rotation speed and other characteristics of TDM. Now it has become convenient to view previously calculated projects and, if necessary, make changes to the project.

Plotting VFD (Frequency response)

The frequency response graph made it possible to calculate the volumetric performance of the TDM depending on various parameters

TDM selection functionality

The functionality of searching for TDM from the database of saved projects corresponding to the criteria of the current selection has been implemented. This is convenient since it is not required to calculate new TDM parameters.


We have added barometric parameters to the TDM calculation. In order for the TDM to have the most effective characteristics in the calculations, it is necessary to consider the atmospheric pressure at the intended installation site of the TDM. And for more convenient storage of this information, a directory has been implemented, from which you can select a settlement and atmospheric pressure parameters will be automatically substituted into the calculation.

Implemented display of graphs in the "Percentage scale" mode


New parameter for TDM calculation. Allows you to calculate the speed of TDM.

Also, more than 10 different parameters have been developed and implemented. An important change in the project was the update of the database structure. This turned out to be necessary, since it was necessary to introduce functionality for converting units of measurement for some of the parameters. But since we took MongoDB as a database at the very beginning, the migration was pretty easy.

We also had to redesign the interface for working with charts. Now we can easily add new modes for displaying calculated graphs. Four different data display modes are currently supported.

We have also tweaked the interface. Now it has become a little easier to work with the program, and we have moved all the necessary buttons to the main interface of the program. So, for example, the functionality for setting “working points” on the chart has been moved to the main screen, and the automatic calculation of one of the parameters has been added to the functionality itself.

Another innovation is report generation by template. At first glance, it seems like a simple task. As if you could use a ready-made library and generate a report file; but not everything is as simple as it seems. It was necessary to make the report template easy to edit, and avoid complex syntax in the document. The task was to make it possible to change the templates of finished documents without learning the syntax of the programming language. In fact, we have created a no-code report form builder.

At first we thought about writing our own library, but immediately abandoned this idea, because we were limited in time. Therefore, we chose the TemplateEngine.Docx library and made a convenient interface between it and the application.


The work does not end there. By now, we have finished all the work related to TDM calculations. Ahead of us, we are waiting for another stage of work, which will include the introduction of modern design, the implementation of the functionality of working with applications from customers, and other CRM functions.

KMZ JSC offers its customers a wide range of products in the field of industrial gas cleaning, energy-efficient smoke exhausters and blowers. The accumulated experience, highly qualified technical specialists allow us to solve the tasks as accurately as possible, using modern technologies in the field of moving gas-air mixtures, upgrading obsolete equipment, increasing service life and reducing maintenance costs.

Customer feedback

MST Company was chosen to carry out the project of KMZ JSC, since the staff includes specialists capable of solving the assigned tasks. I express my deep gratitude to MST Company for their professionalism and flexible approach to solving non-standard tasks!

Отзыв клиента

В июле 2019 года компания ООО «Аэро-Трейд» искала подрядчика для выполнения работ по внедрению системы безналичной оплаты товаров самолетах авиакомпании «AZUR air». После тщательного изучения рынка, мы решили обратиться для реализации данного проекта в компанию ООО «МСТ Компани». Основной задачей было обеспечить каждый борт авиакомпании «AZUR air» терминалом, который сможет принимать платежи не только на земле, но и во время полёта.

В течении всего времени нашего сотрудничества, специалисты ООО «МСТ Компани» продемонстрировали отличные профессиональные навыки при подготовке проекта, и разработке документации. В результате мы получили гибкое и надёжное решение, которое удовлетворяет нашим требованиям.

По итогам работы с компанией ООО «МСТ Компани» хочется отметить соблюдение принципов делового партнерства, а также четкое соблюдение сроков работ и выполнение взятых на себя обязательств. ООО «Аэро-Трейд» выражает благодарность специалистам компании за проделанную работу в рамках внедрения системы безналичной оплаты на самолетах авиакомпании «AZUR air». И рекомендует компанию ООО «МСТ Компани» как надёжного партнёра в области платёжных решений.